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Sponge Gourd F1 HARITA Hybrid - Shine Brand Seeds

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Sponge Gourd F1 HARITA Hybrid - Shine Brand Seeds - Krushidukan_1

Sponge Gourd F1 HARITA Hybrid - Shine Brand Seeds

Dosage Acre


Sponge Gourd F1 harita Hybrid - Shine Brand Seeds, Gilki ke Beej, Vegetable Seeds, very high yielding.

Sponge Gourd F1 Harita Hybrid Shine Brand Seeds provide a black-seeded hybrid sponge gourd variety; the fruit colour is dark green; it is cylindrical in shape; and it is very high yielding. Fruit matures in 50-55 days.Rainy day showing session
It is grown in a variety of soil types. It performs best when grown in sandy loam soil.The pH value of soil ranges from 6.5–7.0, or neutral to slightly alkaline soil, which is good for plantations.
The seeds are sown twice a year. The months of mid-February to early March are ideal for sowing, followed by the months of mid-May to early July.
Sow two seeds per hill, which is 3 m wide, and use a spacing of 75–90 cm between seeds. Seeds are planted 2.5-3 cm deep.Method of sowing: The doubling method is used.
Seeds are sown on prepared nursery beds. Avoid letting seedbeds touch the ground to protect them from soil-borne diseases. When the seedling has 4-5 leaves after 25-30 days of sowing, it is time to transplant.
Sponge gourd F1 Harita hybrid seed description

➜ It is a black-seeded hybrid variety.
➜ Fruit is dark green in color.
➜ Rainy days are ideal for growing this plant.
➜ Germination Percentage 80-90 %
➜ Sowing Season RabbitRainy SeasonGrowing Period
➜ Maturity Period: 50–55 Days
➜ Harvesting Period: 60 Days

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