Pest & Disease Control for your Crop

POP pest page
Late blight


  • It affects leaves, stems and tubers.
  • Water soaked spots appear on leaves, increase in size, turn purple brown and finally black colour.
  • White growth develops on under surface of leaves.
  • In tubers, purplish brown spots and spread to the entire surface on cutting, the affected tuber show rusty brown necrosis spreading from surface to the center.

Preventive Measures

Grow resistant variety like Kufrianand, kufribadshah, kufri khyati.
Seed Treatment
Dosage: 2.0 gram / Per Kg Seed
UPL Saaf Carbendazim + Mancozeb Contact fungicide
UPL Saaf Carbendazim + Mancozeb Contact fungicide
₹799₹92014% Off
Save ₹ 121
Seed Treatment
Dosage: 1.0 Units / acre
Potato Suraksha Kit - Tuber Treatment
Potato Suraksha Kit - Tuber Treatment
₹579₹96941% Off
Save ₹ 390

Control Measures

Mix in 200 liters of water and spray.
Dosage: 200.0 ml / acre
Dhanuka Godiwa Super
Dhanuka Godiwa Super
₹759₹105128% Off
Save ₹ 292
Mix in 200 liters of water and spray.
Dosage: 400.0 gram / acre
Tata Rallis Master - Mancozeb 64% WP + Metalaxyl 8%
Tata Rallis Master - Mancozeb 64% WP + Metalaxyl 8%
₹869₹9145% Off
Save ₹ 45
Mix in 200 liters of water and spray.
Dosage: 500.0 ml / acre
Dr. Bacto's Fluro, Bio Fungicide
Dr. Bacto's Fluro, Bio Fungicide
₹229₹31528% Off
Save ₹ 86
Mix in 200 liters of water and spray.
Dosage: 1.0 Units / acre
Potato Suraksha Kit - Blight (25-90 days)
Potato Suraksha Kit - Blight (25-90 days)
₹919₹140035% Off
Save ₹ 481


  • The disease starts to develop as soon as the favorable conditions occurs.
  • The primary source of infection is infected tuber seeds and the congenial climatic conditions are temperature range of 16-22°C with >80% RH.
  • The average annual losses due to late blight have been estimated to 15% of total production in the country.
  • Normally susceptible cultivars are killed within 8 to 10 days of the disease appearance but it takes longer time (10 to 15 days) in resistant cultivars.


Agri Doctor


Krushi Book
