Pest & Disease Control for your Crop
Fruit borer
- Fruit borer- On hatching, the young larvae bore into developing fruits, feeds on the pulp, developing seeds and tissues.
- A single fruit may be infested by 6 to 8 larvae.
- The affected fruits are subsequently attacked by fungus and bacteria resulting in rotting.
- The symptoms of damage are offensive smell, excreta of larvae coming out of the entry holes and the litter sticking around the holes.
Preventive Measures
Install in the field
Control Measures
Mix in 200 liters of water and spray.
Mix in 200 liters of water and spray.
Mix in 200 liters of water and spray.
- Warm weather conditions followed by light rains and dry spells are favorable for multiplication. Pest attack at the time of flowering. Yield loss upto 35% can be occurs in case of severity.