Complete Crop Information, Pest & Disease Details for your crop

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Standard FarmingBharatAgri Smart Farming
Expected Fertilizer and Agrochemical Expenditure
BharatAgri Expected Fertilizer and Agrochemical Expenditure
Expected Harvest
8 quintal/acre
BharatAgri Expected Harvest
10 quintal/acre
Expected Income (Rs)
BharatAgri Expected Income (Rs)

Favourable Climate

Soybean Favourable Climate
  • Soybean can be grown in varied types of climates.
  • However dry weather is necessary for ripening.
  • For good germination soil temperatures should be above 15°C and for growth about 26-30°C.
Crop Water Requirement
  • Soybean is moderately drought tolerant crop.
  • High moisture requirement is critical at the time of germination, flowering and pod-forming stage which lasts 3-4 months.
  • Water requirement- Equivalent to 400 mm of rainfall.

Favourable Soil

Soybean Favourable Soil
  • Required range- 6.0-7.5
  • If pH is <6.0 add Lime.
  • If pH is >7.5 add Gypsum.
  • Medium to heavy, loam soil with good water holding capacity.

Planting Material

Soybean Planting Material
MAUS 612
Special CharacteristicRust resistant,three seeded pods 90%,non shattering for 15 days after maturity.
Yield13.0Quintal / Acre
MAUS 162
Special CharacteristicTolerant to Bacterial, Rhizoctonia root rot and aerial blight, collar rot and charcoal rot. dark green leaves, purple flower
Yield10.0Quintal / Acre
KDS 726(Phule Sangam)
Special CharacteristicIntroduce in 2018 Recommended for Kharif Resistant to Rust Diseases, Tolerant to Major Pests Production capacity - 10 quintal per acre.
YieldNoneQuintal / Acre
JS 335
Special CharacteristicPurple flowers, semi-determinate, resistant to shattering, black hilum. Performs well in Eastern and Southern states. It has resistance against girdle beetle and stem fly and tolerance to moisture stress conditions. It has became susceptible to several diseases and insect - pests.
YieldNoneQuintal / Acre

Seed Treatment

Soybean Seed Treatment
Seed treatment
  • Treat the seeds with
  • Imidacloprid- 4 ml
  • Instructions- Mix the above quantity in two L of water for one kg of seeds. Dip the seeds in solution for 10 min & then shade dry for 15 min.
  • Carbendazim- 2 gram
  • Instructions- Treated seeds are to be again treated with the Carbendazim 2 gram for 1 kg of seeds. Apply it on seed by rubbing it on seed surface.
  • Seed Rate: 25-30 kg per acre


Soybean Sowing
  • Sowing time: First week of June
  • Dibble the seeds at a depth of 4 cm along the furrow (in which fertilizers are placed and cover with soil).
  • Put 2 seeds per hole in case of varieties, as the germination may be low.

Land Preparation

Soybean Land Preparation
Land preparation
  • Ploughing method- Plough the land 1 or 2 times based on soil type.
  • Mix the following in field and keep it in open air for 10 days for proper decomposition- FYM- 2 tonns Composting Bacteria- 3kg
  • Spread the above mixture over soil and run rotavator to the entire field making the soil as a fine tilth.
Bed preparation
  • Prepare ridges and furrows 45 cm apart with the help of tractor/ manually.

Spacing and Plant Population

Soybean Spacing and Plant Population
Row to Row1.4
Plant to Plant0.3
Plant Population104761

Nutrient Management

Soybean Nutrient Management
  • 20:30:18 N:P:K kg per acre.
  • At sowing apply- 44 kg Urea 187 kg SSP
  • 30 Days after sowing- 30 kg MoP


Soybean Irrigation
  • Flood- Once in 10 days.

Intercultural Operations

Weed Management
Within 3 Days after sowing
HerbicideAtrazine 100.0 gram/acre OR Pendimethalin 300.0 ml/acre
21 Days after sowing
HerbicideImazethapyr 400.0 gram/acre


Soybean Harvesting
  • Harvesting can be done manually, breaking the stalks on the ground level or with sickle.
Harvesting duration
  • 90-110 Days after sowing


Soybean Threshing
  • Threshing can be done either with the mechanical soybean thresher or some by beating with stick.


Soybean Yield
Total harvest quantity
  • 10 quintal per acre


Agri Doctor


Krushi Book
