Pest & Disease Control for your Crop
- Nymphs and adults are seen on ventral surface of leaves and shoots and suck sap there from.
- Infested leaves become yellowish, wrinkled and cupped, while, tender shoots turn yellowish and die away.
- Excrete honeydew on which sooty mould develops covering affected parts with a thin superficial black coating that hinders photosynthetic activity of leaves resulting in stunted growth of plants.
- In addition, they also act as vectors, for transmitting several viral diseases.
Preventive Measures
Sow/plant 4 rows of maize, sorghum, bajra (pearl millet) around the potato crop field as a guard/barrier crop.
Install in the field
Control Measures
Mix in 200 litres of water and spray
Mix in 200 litres of water and spray
Mix in 200 litres of water and spray
- A relative humidity of 66+2.8% and 11-140°C temperature are ideal for development of this aphid.
- Its population sharply decreases with increase in RH over 73%.
- Vegetative stage is most damaging stage and their high population certainly reduce the crop yield.