Pest & Disease Control for your Crop

POP pest page
Verticilium wilt


  • Bronzing of veins followed by interveinal chlorosis, yellowing and scorching of leaves.
  • Leaves exhibit drying of leaf margins and areas between veins known as “Tiger stripe symptom”.
  • Affected plants remain barren showing pinkish discoloration in stem and wood. It may produce smaller bolls.

Preventive Measures

Remove and destroy the infected plant debris after deep ploughing in summer months (June-July).
Seed Treatment
Dosage: 2.5 gram / Per Kg Seed
Crystal Bavistin (Carbendazim 50% WP) Systemic Fungicide
Crystal Bavistin (Carbendazim 50% WP) Systemic Fungicide
₹369₹45620% Off
Save ₹ 87

Control Measures

Mix in 200 litres of water and Drench
Dosage: 400.0 gram / acre
Biostadt Roko Fungicide
Biostadt Roko Fungicide
₹789₹87510% Off
Save ₹ 86
Mix in 200 litres of water and Drench
Dosage: 500.0 gram / acre
Dhanuka Dhanucop Copper Oxychloride 50% WP
Dhanuka Dhanucop Copper Oxychloride 50% WP
₹564₹5956% Off
Save ₹ 31
Mix in 200 litres of water and Drench
Dosage: 500.0 gram / acre
IFC Tricho Shield (Trichoderma Viride) Biofungicide
IFC Tricho Shield (Trichoderma Viride) Biofungicide
₹409₹80049% Off
Save ₹ 391


  • It affects the crop in square and boll formation stages. This disease reported 20% yield loss.


Agri Doctor


Krushi Book
