Pest & Disease Control for your Crop

POP pest page
Bacterial Blight


  • Water soaked, circular or irregular lesions on cotyledons which spread to petiole and stem and finally withering and death of seedling known as Seedling blight.
  • The infection of veins and veinlets shows blackening with crinkled and twisted leaves and bacterial oozing (vein necrosis or vein blighting).
  • Black lesions on stem and branches, premature drooping off of the leaves resulting in die back known as Black arm.

Preventive Measures

Rogue out the weed hosts plants.

Control Measures

Mix in 200 liters of water and spray.
Dosage: 500.0 gram / acre
Dhanuka Dhanucop Copper Oxychloride 50% WP
Dhanuka Dhanucop Copper Oxychloride 50% WP
₹564₹5956% Off
Save ₹ 31
Mix in 200 liters of water and spray.
Dosage: 100.0 gram / acre
Aries Agro Plantomycin (Bactericide)
Aries Agro Plantomycin (Bactericide)
₹339₹50033% Off
Save ₹ 161
Mix in 200 liters of water and spray.
Dosage: 200.0 gram / acre
IFC Fluro shield (Pseudomonas fluorescens) Biofungicide
IFC Fluro shield (Pseudomonas fluorescens) Biofungicide
₹399₹80051% Off
Save ₹ 401


  • Bacterial blight affected at all crop development stage starting from seedling.These disease are seed born and disease is transmitted from cotyledon to leaves, followed by the main stem and bolls.The bacterial blight is the most wide spread and destructive disease reported to cause yield losses of about 10 to 30 per cent.


Agri Doctor


Krushi Book
