Pest & Disease Control for your Crop
Common scab or corkey scab
- Corkiness of the tuber periderm is the characteristics symptoms.
- 1/4 inch into the tuber surface are russette appearance.
- Slightly pitted and Light brown to dark brown lesion appears on the infected tuber.
- Affected tissue will attract insects.
Preventive Measures
Avoid excessive irrigation. deep summer ploughing in summer.
- Pathogen infects young developing tubers through the lenticells and occasionally through wounds, Pathogen can survive in soil, uncomposted manure or seed.
- It spreads through contaminated soil, seed and water.
- Disease is common in fields with low soil pH favored by high soil moisture.
- Disease problems may be aggravated by excessive irrigation.
- A severe infection can reduce the marketable yield and can damage the eyes of seed potatoes.
- It can also greatly reduce the market value of the crop.