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Advanta Golden F1 Hybrid Chilli Seeds AK-47

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Advanta Golden F1 Hybrid Chilli Seeds AK-47

Advanta Golden F1 Hybrid Chilli Seeds AK-47

Dosage Acre


Advanta AK-47 Hybrid Chilli Seeds Details -
AK47 Chilli Seeds by Advanta are renowned for their high yield potential and spicy flavor. These seeds produce uniform-sized peppers with good disease resistance and adaptability to various growing conditions.

Company Advanta
AK47 Chilli Seeds by Advanta offer high yields, spicy flavor, uniformity, adaptability, and disease resistance, Tolerance of leaf curl virus, Dual purpose.
Colour Dark green and deep red
Use Fresh and Dry purpose
Seeds per gm 90-100 seed
Sowing season Kharif and Summer
Sowing method Transplanting of seedlings
Temperature for germination 25 to 30°C
Depth of sowing Less than 1 cm
Seed rate 80 - 100 gm
Spacing RR - 3.5 to 4 ft, PP - 1 to 1.5 ft
Pugency Very high
Fruit size Length -8 cm Diameter - 1-1.5 cm
First Harvesting 60 to 65 Days After Transplanting

Feature and Benefits -
 Dark Green and Deep Red: This hybrid chilli variety boasts vibrant colors, with dark green during early stages and deep red upon maturity.
 Spicy Flavor and Uniformity: Delivering a rich and consistent spicy flavor, perfect for both fresh consumption and drying purposes.
 High Yield Potential: Known for its high productivity, Advanta AK47 Chilli Seeds offer impressive yields, ensuring a bountiful harvest.
 Tolerance to LCV: Exhibiting resistance to Leaf Curl Virus (LCV), this dual-purpose hybrid promises enhanced resilience against common chilli diseases.

FAQs -
Q: Where can I buy chilli seeds online?
A: You can purchase high-quality Advanta Seeds products, such as chilli seeds, online from BharatAgri's website. Here you’ll get a wide range of high quality chilli seeds.

Q: What is the current chilli seed rate?
A: The chilli seed rate per acre is 60 grams.

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