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Syngenta Saaho (TO 3251) Tomato Seeds

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Syngenta Saaho (TO-3251) Tomato Seeds

Syngenta Saaho (TO 3251) Tomato Seeds

Dosage Acre


Saaho TO 3251 Tomato Seeds Details: 


Saaho Tomato 3521




Determinate Plant, Dark green foliage, Good Heat set, Very Good Firm Fruits, High Yield potential

Seeds per gm 

320-350 seeds

Germination rate

80 to 90 %

Sowing season

All Season

Temperature for germination 

18- 26°C

Depth of sowing 

Less than 2 cm

Seed rate 

50 - 60 gm / Acre


Row to Row: 4.5 feet, Plant to Plant: 1-1.5 feet

Fruit Shape 

Flat and round in shape 

Average fruit Weight

80 - 100 gm 

First Harvesting

55 - 60 Days.

Production period 

120 - 140 Days.

Saaho Tomato Seeds Key Features:

  • Syngenta Saaho Tomato 3521 has a determinate plant growth habit, ensuring a compact and manageable size.
  • Features dark green foliage, indicating strong and healthy plants.
  • Capable of setting fruits well even under high-temperature conditions.
  • Produces very firm fruits, ensuring good shelf life and transportability.
  • Offers high yield potential, maximizing productivity.

Syngenta Saaho (TO-3251) Tomato Seeds


Q: What is a Sahoo tomato variety?

A: Syngenta Saaho tomato variety is a high-yielding, determinate plant known for its dark green foliage and very firm fruits that thrive in heat.

Q: What is the price of Saaho Tamatar?

A: BharatAgri offers the best prices on sahoo tomato seeds; please visit our official website or mobile app for the discounted Syngenta saaho tomato seeds price.


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