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Master Root Super Potassium Humate 98% (Humic Acid) (1+1 Free)

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₹1198 ₹569 Out of stock
₹3023 off
₹3821 off
Master Root Super Potassium Humate 98% (Humic Acid) (1+1 Free)

Master Root Super Potassium Humate 98% (Humic Acid) (1+1 Free)

Dosage Acre

Product Information

Product ContentHumic, Humic Acid, Potassium

Master Root - Ultra Pure Super Potassium Humate 98% [1+1 Free] (Humic Acid)

Content - Super Potassium Humate 98%
Dose - 2 gm per litre foliar spray
250 - 500 gm per acre through drip
Method Of Application - Foliar Spray or Drip Irrigation

Benefits -
1. Master Root is the best fertilizer given by Drip /Spray.
2. Master Root promotes vigorous growth of white roots.
3. The branching growth of the crop is high.
4. Speeds up photosynthesis and improves soil texture.
5. This makes the micronutrients in the soil available to the crop quickly.

Suitable crop - All crops

Seller : BA Agri Solutions LLP

GST : Registered

Address :
c/o - LeanCrop Technology Solutions Pvt Ltd
EFC Prime, Sharayu Harmony, Mumbai - Bangalore Highway Baner, Pune - 411045

Customer Reviews

Based on 24 reviews
sanket suryawanshi
good product

Good Ruselt

PhulGovee ke liye shi h kya

PhulGovee ke liye shi h kya

Very good result for white roots

Very good result for white roots

सफेद जड़ों की जोरदार वृद्धि के लिए काम करता है

सफेद जड़ों की जोरदार वृद्धि के लिए काम करता है


सफेद जड़ों की जोरदार वृद्धि के लिए काम करता है

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Review & Ratings

5 out of 5

8 Ratings | 6 Review

Very Good

Customer Reviews (8)

Smart Farmer

Yahan se orders place karna bahut easy aur hassle-free hota hai.

~ Vinod Patel, Karnataka

6 months ago
Smart Farmer

No issues, works as described.

~ Ashok, Karnataka

6 months ago
Smart Farmer

Good product, happy with the purchase.

~ Suneel, Karnataka

6 months ago
Smart Farmer

good order and delivery experience

~ Sundar, Karnataka

6 months ago
Smart Farmer

Fantastic product and delivery was on time. Very happy with the purchase!

~ Kiran Kumar, Karnataka

6 months ago

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How many days does it takes for order to get delivered?

The average delivery time is about 4-6 days, but you can also get faster delivery depending on your address.

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