Titan Crop Tiger Bio-Stimulants
Titan Crop Tiger Bio-Stimulants
Dosage | Acre |
➔ Product description -
➔ Crop Tiger is a uniquely designed formulation for the enhanced growth of the field crops.
➔ Crop Tiger is a versatile product which enables the usage of Crop Tiger for a majority of field crops to obtain assured positive results.
➔ This grey coloured free flowing organic formulation has shown proven results of increasing the incredible amount of yield in crops.
➔ It is a thoughtfully crafted blend of Kelp extract, Amino Acids and Multivitamins.
➔ Recommended Crops - All Crops
➔ Dose -
2 .6 gm per litre spary,
40 gm per 15 litre pump,
400 gm per acre spray.
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BharatAgri Price 60 gm | For 1 acre