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Katyayani Bacillus Supp 2% Powder Biofungicide

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Katyayani Bacillus Supp 2% Powder Biofungicide

Katyayani Bacillus Supp 2% Powder Biofungicide

Dosage Acre


Chemical composition - Bacillus Subtilis

Product description -
➜ Katyayani Bacillus subtilis Bio Fungicide is a high-efficiency organic biological agent.
➜ It gives powerful control of Downy Mildew and Powdery Mildew, and bacterial diseases like leaf blight.
➜ It also controls disease-causing pathogens like Pythium, Alternaria, Xanthomonas, Botrytis, Phytophthora, and Sclerotinia which cause root rot, root wilt, seedling rot, etc.

Control diseases - Downy mildew, Powdery mildew, Leaf blight, Root rot, Root wilt, Seedling rot

Applicable crops - All crops

Dose -
4 gm per liter of water,
60 gm per 15 liters of water,
600 gm per acre spray.

2 Kg per acre through drip/drenching.

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