IFC NPK 13:00:45 Water Soluble Fertilizer
IFC NPK 13:00:45 Water Soluble Fertilizer
Dosage | Acre |
IFC NPK 13:00:45 Water Soluble Fertilizer, Accelerates the development of roots.
IFC NPK 13:00:45 contains nitrate nitrogen and water-soluble potash. IFC 13:00:45 supplies a high amount of Nitrogen along with Potassium, perfect for fruit development stages. IFC 13:00:45 helps crops resist abiotic stress situations. IFC 13:00:45 useful at post-bloom and physiological maturity stage. IFC 13:00:45 helps in the assimilation, translocation, and formation of sugars. IFC 13:00:45 increases fruit Size, shelf life, and quality.
Product Name - IFC NPK 13:00:45
Product Content - Nitrogen 13% & Potassium 45%
Company Name - Indian Farmer Company (IFC)
Description -
1. IFC NPK 13:00:45 provides nitrogen to assist plant growth.
2. IFC NPK 13:00:45 provides potassium to improve resistance against pests & diseases.
3. IFC NPK 13:00:45 helps in improving yield and quality of crop.
4. IFC NPK 13:00:45 Ideal for Nitrogen and Potassium deficiency in plants and crops.
5. IFC NPK 13:00:45 increases Nutrient uptake (required for fruit development) from Stem.
6. IFC NPK 13:00:45 helps in improving drought resistance and reduces water loss.
Recommended Crop - All Crop.
IFC NPK 13:00:45 Dose Per Acre -
➜ 5 gm per liter of water,
➜ 75 gm per 15-litre pump,
➜ 750 gm per Acre spray.
➜ 3-5 kg per Acre through drip.