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HPM Vardan (Chlorpyriphos 20% EC) Insecticide

🎇 Sabse Badi Bachat 🎇
HPM Vardan (Chlorpyriphos 20% EC) Insecticide

HPM Vardan (Chlorpyriphos 20% EC) Insecticide

Dosage Acre


Chemical composition - Chlorpyriphos 20% EC

Product description -
➔ Vardan contact is a emulsifiable concentrate formulation.
➔ Vardan is a contact and stomach poisonous.
➔ It is recommended to control hispa, leaf roller, gall midge, stem borer of Paddy, aphid, bollworm, whitefly & cut worm of cotton and insects of vegetables, fruits.
➔ Vardan is also used to control termite in building, wood and seed treatment & soil treatment.

Target Insect - Hispa, leaf roller, stem borer, whorl maggot, aphids, cutworm, bihar hairy caterpillar, black bug, pyrilla, white fly, jasids, pink bollworm, shoot and fruit borer, etc

Recommended crops - All crops.

Dose -
2 ml per liter of water,
30 ml per 15 litre pump,
300 ml per acre spray

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