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Dr. Bacto's Bactus Biological Fungicide

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Dr. Bacto's Bactus Biological Fungicide

Dr. Bacto's Bactus Biological Fungicide

Dosage Acre


Dr. Bactos Bactus (Bacillus Subtilis) is a highly effective biological fungicide that effectively controls fungal and bacterial diseases, downy mildew, and other fungal diseases.

Product Name - Dr. Bactos Bactus
Product Content - Bacillus Subtilis
Company Name - Anand Agro Care

Description - Dr. Bactos Bactus (Bacillus Subtilis)
1. It is a powerful biological fungicide that controls fungal and bacterial infections.
2. It is a bio fungicide based on Bacillus subtilis that is particularly effective against Downey's Mildew.
3. It suppresses the development of plant pathogens, interferes with pathogen adhesion to plants, and regulates disease spread.
4. Natural bio-fungicides are particularly successful in the control of fungus and bacterial illnesses since they are eco-friendly and leave no residue.
5. It inhibits downy mildew, powdery mildew, and soil-borne illnesses efficiently.
6. Low-cost agro-input that is both safe and environmentally beneficial.
7. A longer shelf life indicates a greater and more perfect bacterial count.

Disease Control - Downy mildew, Powdery mildew, and soil-borne diseases with all fungi and Bacterial diseases.

Recommended Crop - All Crop

Dr. Bactos Bactus Dose Per Acre

🌱 2.6 ml/Liter water
🌱 40 ml/pump (15L pump)
🌱 400 ml/Acre Spray
🌱 Drip/Drenching - 2 Liter/Acre

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Durgaprasad Kewte
Best Result

Good result onion crop

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