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Anand Neem, Neem Oil - 3000 ppm

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₹586 ₹449 23%OFF
Anand Neem, Neem Oil - 3000 ppm

Anand Neem, Neem Oil - 3000 ppm

Dosage Acre
500 ml1.6 Acre
250 mL0.8 Acre
कॅश ऑन डिलीवरी से खरीदें

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Product Information

Manufactured byAnand Agro
Product ContentAzadirachtin 3000 PPM, Neem
Product TypeOrganic
Commonly used forLeaf miner, Leaf eating caterpillar, Pod Borer, Tobacco caterpillar, Bollworm complex, Jassid, Aphid, Thrips, Whiteflie
Dosage2 ml/litre.
30 ml/Pump (15 litre pump)
300 ml/Acre Spray.
CropsMango, Potato, Garlic, Strawberry, Banana, Onion, Brinjal, Okra, Chilli, Cluster Bean, Marigold, Watermelon, Drumstick, Tomato, Paddy, Wheat, Green Gram, Lemon, Amla, Papaya, Cauliflower, Pomegranate, Ginger, Maize, Cotton, Capsicum, Sapota, Mustard, Sesame, Pea, Ridge Gourd, Muskmelon, Guava, Cabbage, Bottle Gourd, Dolichos Bean, Sweet Lime, Pumpkin, Rose, Red gram, Chrysanthemum, Soybean, Tuberose, French bean, Orange, Grapes, Cumin, Gerbera, Aster, Jasmin, Apple

Special deal to save ₹400

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Anand Neem, Neem Oil - 3000 ppm

250 mL

23% Off ₹586 ₹449

IFC Super Sticker

40 ml

80% Off ₹499 ₹99

Anand Neem Oil Pesticide / Insecticide Formulation is a neem-based botanical product that contains azadirachtin as an active ingredient. Azadirachtin is found to be very effective for over 600 species of insects and pests, including insects, nematodes, fungi, and viruses, and is completely safe to non-target organisms like beneficial predators, honey bees, pollinators, fish, birds, cattle, and human beings.

Anand Neem Oil pesticide is a natural product and absolutely non-toxic. It is 100% biodegradable and environmentally friendly. It is completely safe for humans and beneficial insects like honey bees. It can be mixed with other synthetic pesticides and also enhances their action. It is effective against over 600 species of pests. It is a broad-spectrum insecticide.

➜ Apply as soon as pests are observed for better results.
➜ Apply during immature pest stages.
➜ Under conditions of high pest populations, chemical application is also required.
➜ Use it every 10–15 days, depending on the requirement.
➜ Good mixing is required before application.
➜ Avoid the storage of spray mixtures.
➜ Anand Neem is widely useful on cotton, paddy, potato, grapes, top fruits, legumes, and many more crops.
➜ Anand Neem is an eco-friendly product.
➜ It has repellent, anti-feedant, and antifungal properties. It is used to improve plant resistance against many fungal diseases and insects.
➜ Not only that, but it also provides the plant with essential nutrition, which makes the plant more healthy.
➜ Used to improve the overall yield of crops.

Recommende crop - All Crops
Anand Neem Oil Control - All sucking pest and insect.

Anand Neem Oil Dose -
2 ml/Liter water
30 ml/pump (15 Litre pump)
300 ml/Acre Spray.

Seller : BA Agri Solutions LLP

GST : Registered

Address :
c/o - LeanCrop Technology Solutions Pvt Ltd
EFC Prime, Sharayu Harmony, Mumbai - Bangalore Highway Baner, Pune - 411045

Customer Reviews

Based on 15 reviews
Got original, delivered at my home within 3 days. Got good results on my farm

Got original, delivered at my home within 3 days. Got good results on my farm


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Organic Product hai bahut badiya result hai

suyog jadhav
उत्तम रिसल्ट

खुप छान रिसल्ट दिसून मिळाला.. तसेच पिकावरती हि याचे काहीहि दुष्परिणाम होत नाहीत ..प्र्व्हेंटिव्ह १ नंबर आहे अळी ,पतंगा आणि अंडी अवस्था नियंत्रण करता आली


रस चूसक कीटोंके लिए उत्तम परिणामकारक दवा

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