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Dhanuka Superkiller Insecticide (Cypermethrin 25% EC) (1+1 Combo)

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₹964 ₹959
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₹95 off
Dhanuka Superkiller Insecticide (Cypermethrin 25% EC) (1+1 Combo)

Dhanuka Superkiller Insecticide (Cypermethrin 25% EC) (1+1 Combo)

Dosage Acre
250 ml x 22.5 Acre
कॅश ऑन डिलीवरी से खरीदें

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Product Information

Manufactured byDhanuka
Product ContentCypermethrin 25% EC
Product TypeChemical
Commonly used forTobacco caterpillar, Bollworm complex, Diamondback moth, Fruit borer, Early Shoot Borer
Dosage0.5 ml/litre.
10 ml/Pump (15 litre pump)
100 ml/Acre Spray.
CropsBrinjal, Okra, Cauliflower, Maize, Cotton, Cabbage, Groundnut_120 Days, Sugarcane

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Dhanuka Superkiller Insecticide (Cypermethrin 25% EC) (1+1 Combo)

0% Off ₹964 ₹959

IFC Super Sticker

40 ml

80% Off ₹499 ₹99
Dhanuka Superkiller Insecticide (Cypermethrin 25% EC) (1+1 Combo) 

Cypermethrin 25% EC controls the insects by its contact and stomach poison action. Superkiller is very effective in controlling insects immediately after application even at lower doses.

Product Name Superkiller Insecticide
Product Content Cypermethrin 25% EC
Mode of Action Contact
Company Dhanuka
Dose 0.5 ml/litre.
10 ml/Pump (15 litre pump)
100 ml/Acre Spray.

Mode of Action -
Superkiller controls the insects by its contact and stomach poison action.It can be applied as a foliar spray.

Crop & Target Insect -

Crops Name Target Insect Dose / Acre
Cotton Bollworms, Jassids, Thrips 90-120 ml
Sugarcane Early Shoot Borer 90-120 ml
Cabbage Diamond Back Moth of Cabbage 100-120 ml
Okra Fruit Borer, Jassids 100-120 ml
Brinjal Shoot and Fruit Borer, Epitechna Grub, Jassids 90-120 ml
Sunflower Early shoot borer 100 ml

Benefits -

1. Being broad spectrum it affords control over all sucking, biting, chewing pests. 

2. It exhibits rapid action It has greater effectiveness against all Lepidopterean pests. 

3. Due to higher persistence value it remains effective for longer durations. 

4. More resistant to washing off due to rain water. 

5. Relatively cost effective. 

6. Less waiting period between last spray and harvest.


GST : Registered

Address :
c/o - LeanCrop Technology Solutions Pvt Ltd
EFC Prime, Sharayu Harmony, Mumbai - Bangalore Highway Baner, Pune - 411045

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