Sugarcane Red Rot Management

Red rot of sugarcane is a devastating fungal disease that significantly affects sugarcane production in India. Caused by Colletotrichum falcatum, this disease leads to severe losses by infecting the stalks, reducing both yield and quality. Early identification and prompt action are crucial to minimize the impact of this disease. Effective sugarcane diseases and their control strategies involve regular monitoring and implementing preventive measures such as crop rotation, resistant varieties, and fungicide applications. To manage red rot of sugarcane control, it's important to apply the best fungicide for sugarcane, which targets the fungus at its root and prevents further spread, safeguarding your crop from future outbreaks.

Symptoms of Red Rot Disease:

  • Internal red discoloration with white patches on the sugarcane stalks.
  • Foul odor emanating from infected stalks due to tissue decay.
  • Wilting of leaves and drying of the cane from the top downwards.


  1. What causes red rot of sugarcane?
    Red rot of sugarcane is caused by the fungus Colletotrichum falcatum.

  2. How can I control red rot in sugarcane?
    Red rot can be controlled by using resistant varieties, crop rotation, and applying fungicides.

  3. What is the best fungicide for sugarcane red rot?
    Fungicides with active ingredients like Propiconazole or Carbendazim are highly effective in controlling red rot of sugarcane.


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