वीएनआर हाइब्रिड ककड़ी कुमुद बीज, खीरा के बीज
वीएनआर हाइब्रिड ककड़ी कुमुद बीज, खीरा के बीज
Dosage | Acre |
VNR Hybrid Cucumber Kumud Seeds, Kheera Ke Beej, For Kharif and Summer Season.
VNR Hybrid Cucumber Kumud Seeds Excellent test results for Deshi type light green Summer bitterness is very low, and early hybrids and early bulkers have high yield potential.
VNR Hybrid Cucumber Kumud Seeds It has several advantages.
➜ Kharif and summer sowing seasons
➜ Sowing Method: Dibbling
➜ Sowing spacing: RR-4 ft, PP-1.5 ft
➜ Extra Description: Green fruit colour and shape
➜ Fruit Dimensions: Length: 16–20 cm; width: 2.5–4 cm
➜ Fruit Weight: 150-200 Grams
➜ Harvesting Days: 45–47 Days after Transplanting
Dosage 400 gm/Acre
FMC Coragen (Chlorantraniliprole 18.5% SC) Insecticide
BharatAgri Price 150 mlDhanuka Fax SC Insecticide
BharatAgri Price 500 mlDhanuka Areva Insecticide
BharatAgri Price 500 gmBayer Solomon (Beta-Cyfluthrin 8.49% + Imidacloprid 19.81% OD) Insecticide
BharatAgri Price 200 ml; 100 ml x 2 | 13 Pump SpraysProfex Super Insecticide (1+1 Combo)
BharatAgri Price 500 ml x 2Nagarjuna Profex Super Insecticide (Profenofos 40% + Cypermethrin 4% EC)
BharatAgri Price 500 mlDhanuka Zapac Insecticide
BharatAgri Price 160 mlDhanuka Super Killer 25
BharatAgri Price 500 mlUPL Ulala Insecticide
BharatAgri Price 60 gm | For 1 acreDhanuka Super D Insecticide (Chlorpyriphos 50% + Cypermethrin 5% EC), Systemic And Contact Insecticide
BharatAgri Price 500 mL | For 1 AcreAnand Neem, Neem Oil - 3000 ppm
BharatAgri Price 250 ml | 1 एकड़Dhanuka Superkiller Insecticide (Cypermethrin 25% EC) (1+1 Combo)
BharatAgri Price 500 ml X 2View All