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Tomato Suraksha Kit - Early Blight (0-50 days)

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Tomato Suraksha Kit - Early Blight (0-50 days)

Tomato Suraksha Kit - Early Blight (0-50 days)

Dosage Acre


Tomato Early Blight Protection Kit: Avatar (500 gm) + Anand Wet Gold (25 ml) + Sea Ruby (250 gm)

Problem -
1. Brown spots appear on the leaves of the crop, they are small in the initial stage.
2. due to more problems, the spots change in size due to which the leaves appear burnt due to fire and later the whole plant dies.
3. Due to this disease, there is a loss of up to 20 - 25% in the production of the crop.

If there is a problem of 5-10% in the crop, then we should use chemical medicine.

Benefits and features of this kit -
1. This kit controls early blight disease of tomato.
2. Production cost 5 to 6 thousand savings and yield increase 8 to 10 thousand.
3. Avatar is a unique combination fungicide, besides controlling many diseases.
4. Anand wet gold encourages spray droplets to spread over plants.
5. Sea Ruby Reduces Biotic and Abiotic Stress, Enhances the uptake of nutrients.

Constituents -
Indofil Avtar : Hexaconazole 4% + Zineb 68% WP
Type: Fungicide
Dosage: 400 gm per acre
Mode of Application: Spray

Anand Agro Anand wet gold : Silicon based super spreader
Type: spreader
Dosage: 25 ml per acre
Mode of Application: Spray

Anand Agro Sea Ruby : Sea weed extract
Type: Growth
Dosage: 200 gm per acre
Mode of Application: Spray

Disease control -
Control of early blight disease in tomato crop keeps the crop safe and healthy for a long time.
Suitable Crop - Tomato

Price and Discount:
MRP - ₹1348
Special Price (Free Delivery) - ₹849
Savings - ₹499 | Discount - 37%

Customer Reviews

Based on 16 reviews
गणेश सोळंके

एक नंबर असा प्रभाव माझा प्लॉट वर पडला आहे

Suprise Gift Bhi Aya

Is order se me bahut khush hu
Maine is order kiya tha blight ke liye
Blight control ho gaya aur saath me free gift bhi aya
ek beej ka packet aya

hamid shaikh
असल मै सुरक्षा

मेरी टमाटर की फसल मै झुलसे से बहुत तंग आ चूका था मै , मैंने ये प्रोडक्ट मंगवाये और इसका फायदा भी हुवा और कम दाम में मिल गए

suyog jadhav
करपा वरती बेस्ट उपाय

मी अगोदर दुकानातून सेपरेट औषधे घेत होतो मला खर्च जास्त होत होता पण भारत ऍग्री मुळे कमीत कमी खर्चामुळें सर्व औषधे एकत्र मिळाली. मला हे वापरून result मिळाला आहे . धन्यवाद भारत ऍग्री

टमाटरमें झुलसा पे रामबाण इलाज

अवतार ये ऐसा फुफुदनाशक है जो स्पर्शजण्य और आंतरप्रवाही से पौधे पर काम करता है, यांनी बादल छाये तो झायनेब काम करेगा और मौसम साफ होगा तो हेक्साकोनाझोल काम करेगा, ऐसा बहूपयोगी फफूदनाशक है, इसके साथ आनंद वेट गोल्ड स्प्रेडर और. सी रुबी, ऐसे बढिया प्रॉडक्ट मुझे भारत ऍग्री कृषी दुकान ने कम किमतपर घरतक उपलब्ध करा के दिए इसलिए धन्यवाद भारत ऍग्री 🙏

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The average delivery time is about 4-6 days, but you can also get faster delivery depending on your address.

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How many brands are available on BharatAgri app?

BharatAgri has products of several trusted brands to the name few like Mahadhan, UPL, FMC, Anand Agro, Syngenta, Tata Rallis, BASF, Bayer, Adama, Bio Prime, Dhanuka and all other reliable brands.

How to contact BharatAgri Krushi Doctor for any help or support?

You can contact BharatAgri Krushi Doctor via Call/Chat/Video Call. For initiating the call or chat you can click support button on the app.

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