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6 total reviews

Tata Rallis Ralligold Mycorrhizal Biofertilizer

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Tata Rallis Ralligold Mycorrhizal Biofertilizer

Tata Rallis Ralligold Mycorrhizal Biofertilizer

Dosage Acre


Description -
1. Tata Ralligold Growth Regulators is a unique mixture of mycorrhiza blended with an optimum quantity of growing substrate consisting of humic acid and amino acids in a fine powder formulation designed for overall root and plant growth.
2. It is a bio-stimulant that helps plants grow better and healthier by improving their nutrient uptake, water use efficiency, and stress resistance.

Benefits -
1. Improves root growth and development.
2. Increases nutrient uptake and water use efficiency.
3. Enhances drought tolerance and stress resistance.
4. Promotes early flowering and fruiting.
5. Improves the quality and quantity of the crop yield.
6. Stimulates photosynthesis and plant growth.
7. Helps to protect plants from diseases and pests.

Recommended crops - All crops.

Dosage -
200 gm per acre through drip/drenching.

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