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IFC Fruiting Kit

🎇 Sabse Badi Bachat 🎇
IFC Fruiting Kit

IFC Fruiting Kit

Dosage Acre


IFC Fruiting Kit -
The IFC Fruiting Kit is a powerful combination of NPK 00:00:50, chelated micronutrients, and a silicon-based sticker designed to boost fruit crop performance. This combination works to increase the size, weight, and shine of fruit, ensuring higher yields and market value. The NPK formula provides essential nutrients for fruit development, while the micronutrients support overall plant health. The silicon-based sticker ensures better nutrient absorption and long-lasting results. Ideal for enhancing fruit quality and productivity.

Use IFC Fruiting kit at pre maturity stage of the fruits.

Products in kit Content Company Packing
NPK 00:00:50 Potash 50% and sulfur 17.5% IFC 900 gm
Chelated Micronutrients ZN 5%, Cu 0.5%, FE 2%, MN 1%, B 1% IFC 200 gm
Patil Biotech Blaze Super Spreader Silicon based super spreader Patil Biotech 50 ml

Dosage of products -

Products 1 Litre water 15 liter water / pump Acre
NPK 00:00:50 5 gm 75 gm 750 gm
Chelated Micronutrients 1.3 gm 20 gm 200 gm
Patil Biotech Blaze Super Spreader 0.33 ml 5 ml 50 ml

Benefits and features -
➔ This kit improves the size, weight, and quality of fruits.

➔ NPK 00:00:50 boosts fruit size for better yield.
➔ Chelated micronutrient enhances fruit quality and nutrient content.
➔ Super Sticker help in increasing the uptake or absorption of fertilizers or pesticides.

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