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Hifield Clora-LM (Chlorantraniliprole 9.3% + Lambdacyhalothrin 4.6% ZC) Insecticide

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Hifield Clora-LM (Chlorantraniliprole 9.3% +  Lambdacyhalothrin 4.6% ZC) Insecticide

Hifield Clora-LM (Chlorantraniliprole 9.3% + Lambdacyhalothrin 4.6% ZC) Insecticide

Dosage Acre


Chemical composition - Chlorantraniliprole 9.3% +  Lambdacyhalothrin 4.6% ZC

Product description -
➔ It is broad-spectrum control against a wide range of insect pests in various crops, including fruits, vegetables, cereals, and ornamentals.
➔ It targets both chewing and sucking insects
➔ For control of Jassids, Mites, bollworm, Shoot & Fruit borer, Pod & Stem borer, leaf folder, green leaf hopper, Leaf worm, Girdle beetle, Semilooper, Stem fly.
➔ In insects, chlorantraniliprole stimulates ryanodine receptors. This activation results in the release of calcium from the internal stores of striated and smooth muscle, which impairs muscle control, paralyses the affected muscle, and ultimately kills the insect.

Recommeneded crops - All Crops

Dose -
2 ml per litre of water,
30 ml per 15 litre of pump,
300 ml per acre spray.

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