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Dr. Bacto's EM-1 Culture

🎇 Sabse Badi Bachat 🎇
Dr. Bacto's EM-1 Culture

Dr. Bacto's EM-1 Culture

Dosage Acre


Dr. Bacto's EM-1 Culture, For Better Germination And Healthy Growth.

Dr. Bacto's EM-1 Culture is a microbial-based product that can be used on a variety of crops.

EM-1 Culture of Dr. Bacto (Biofertilizer) It has a number of advantages.

➜ It facilitates crop germination and growth.
➜ It promotes crop flowering, fruiting, and ripening.
➜ Increases the plant's photosynthesis capacity.
➜ Boost the effectiveness of organic matter in fertilizer.
➜ Improve the plant's resistance.
➜ Aids in the suppression of soil-borne pathogens and pests.
➜ Improve the soil's physical, chemical, and biological environment.


5 ml/Liter water
75 ml/Pump (15L pump)
750 ml/Acre Spray
2 Liter/Acre Drip/Drenching

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Good Product

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