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Dhanuka Dhanutop Pendimethalin 30% EC

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Dhanuka Dhanutop Herbicide (Pendimethalin 30% EC) | धानुका धानुटोप

Dhanuka Dhanutop Pendimethalin 30% EC

Dosage Acre


Dhanuka Dhanutop Pendimethalin 30% EC. An herbicide of the dinitroaniline class used in pre-emergence applications to control annual grasses and weeds

Dhanuka Dhanutop (Pendimethalin, 30% EC) Pendimethalin is an herbicide of the dinitroaniline class used in preemergence and postemergence applications to control annual grasses and certain broadleaf weeds. It inhibits cell division and cell elongation. Microtubule assembly inhibition
Mode of action selective herbicide, absorbed by the roots and leaves. Affected plants die shortly after germination or following emergence from the soil.

Dhanuka Dhanutop (Pendimethalin, 30% EC) herbicide It has several advantages.

➜ Dhanutop belongs to the dinitroaniline group and controls both narrow and broad leaf weeds.
➜ Dhanutop is applied as a pre-emergence herbicide.
➜ Dhanutop is a selective herbicide to be used before the emergence of weeds and crops.
➜ After application of Dhanutop, a thin layer is formed at the soil surface, which prevents the germination of weeds.
➜ There must be sufficient soil moisture at the time of the application of Dhanutop.

Crop - Wheat, Paddy, Cotton, Onion
Target Weed Species - Phalaris minor, Chenopodium album, Melilotus alba, Portulaca oleracea, Anagalis arvensis, Fumaria parviflora, Poa annua., Echinochloa colona, Echinochloa crusgalli, Fimbristylis miliacea, Marselia quadrifoliata, Alternanthera, Ammannia baccifera, Ludwigia parviflora, Eclipta alba, cyperus difformis., Echinochloa sp., Euphorbia hirta, Amaranthus viridis, Trianthema sp., Eleusine Indica,

dhanutop herbicide dosage 

6.6 ml/Liter water
100 ml/pump (15L pump)
1 Liter/Acre Spray

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Pre emergence - achche result mila

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