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Chipku White Fly Catcher-Size A4

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Chipku White Fly Catcher-Size A4

Chipku White Fly Catcher-Size A4

Dosage Acre


➔ Description -

Chipku Insect traps are made by using natural attraction technique various type of bad bugs , pheromone Traps are made with the good quality material Sticky traps are available in colours yellow, blue & White Eco Sticky trap with size A4 (200 x300 mm) , Yellow, Blue & White Colour is natural attractive colours for small sap feeding insects and they come towards trap to sit over there and due to extreme stickiness of trap they will complete their remaining life on trap,Trap field life is up to 12 weeks when we place the traps on the farm/ garden, traps are long lasting, whether proof and No harm to nature. 

➔ What Is Chipku Sticky Traps ?

➔ Chipku Sticky traps are made with Thick cardboard material with size of A4 (200 x300 mm) Sheet is coated with high Class Strongly Sticky , whether proof Gumming on both outer surface.
➔How It Works Three colours are available in the trap yellow And Blue and White Sticky Trap Both colour are attractive for Sap feeding insects like whiteflies , thrips, aphids, leafminor, jassids , gnats Insects are attract and try to sit on the trap and due to gum stickiness they will stuck lifetime on trap Time of attraction is morning or evening they are more attract towards trap Targeted Whiteflies Thrips Winged Aphids Jassids Step wise
➔ Usage & installation Guide separate traps from bundle separate each trap from bundle open the holes open the holes punched at side of traps tie the trap on wooden stick take wooden stick or pipe & bind the PVC SHEET with binding cable Now trap is ready to install on field just plug the stick along with trap on garden Or farm.

➔ Features - 

➔ 100% Natural, chemical free, non toxic, eco friendly, water proof sheet
➔ Low maintenance for busy gardeners and farmers.
➔ This sheet have advance technology useful for , Gardens, Terrace Garden, Agriculture Fields, Farmhouse etc.
➔ Protect from all types of flying insects like Whiteflies, Thiphs, Green Plant Hopper, Aphids, Thrips causing disease of Casava Mosaic, Yellow vain mosaic, Black spot, etc.
➔ Decrease insecticide use so recommended for organic farming.

➔ Dose - 25 -30 traps per acre.

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