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Tata Rallis Master (Mancozeb 64% WP + Metalaxyl 8%) Fungicide

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Tata Rallis Master - Mancozeb 64% WP + Metalaxyl 8% | Buy Now

Tata Rallis Master (Mancozeb 64% WP + Metalaxyl 8%) Fungicide

Dosage Acre


Tata Rallis Master Fungicide - Mancozeb 64% WP + Metalaxyl 8%, Effective Against Downy Mildew

Tata Rallis Master (Mancozeb 64 % + Metalaxyl 8 % WP) is a unique fungicide formulation containing a mixture of the systemic fungicide Metalaxyl and the contact fungicide that provides outstanding control of diseases caused by Oomycetes, which are serious plant pathogens. It ensures durable protection of target plants during the period of active growth from the inside due to the systematic activity of Metalaxyl and from the outside due to the contact action of Mancozeb.

Metalaxyl-M is a systemic fungicide that is rapidly taken up by the green plant part (within 30 min. ), transported upwards in the sap stream, and then distributed, thus providing control of fungi from within the plant. Mancozeb provides a protective film over plant surfaces, which inhibits the germination of the spores.

Tata Master Fungicide (Mancozeb 64% + Metalaxyl 8% WP) has several advantages.

➜ Master is a protective and curative fungicide.
➜ It has a Phyto tonic effect on crops.
➜ It is effective against specific diseases because it is absorbed by roots and translocated to leaves and panicles.
➜ It is good for soil drenching.
➜ It is compatible with other fungicides and also shows synergistic activity for better disease management.
➜ Healthy crops, increased yields, high-quality harvests 
➜ Excellent disease control under difficult conditions such as climate and disease pressure 
➜ A longer period of disease control means fewer applications, which saves money. 
➜ Environment-friendly due to the pure formulation, since less product is used per unit area.

Crop - Potato Pearlmillet Mustard Grapes Black Pepper Tobacco
Control - Damping off Late blight Downy mildew White rust and and Alternaria blight Phytophthora foot rot
Dose - 
2 gm per litre of water
30 gm per pump
300 gm per acre 

Customer Reviews

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suyog jadhav
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4 दिनों में उपलब्ध और बाजार से भी सस्ता मिला प्याज में झुलसा का नियंत्रण अच्छा हुआ

Avinash Nikum

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सुपर दवा

तरबूजा उकठा रोग कि समस्या का निराकरण मिल गया

Rohit Bansode

मास्टर एक संरक्षणात्मक आणि उपचारात्मक बुरशीनाशक आहे.

Good quality Product

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