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UPL Electron Fungicide

🎇 Sabse Badi Bachat 🎇
UPL Electron Fungicide

UPL Electron Fungicide

Dosage Acre


Chemical composition - Azoxystrobin 2.5% + Thiophanate Methyl 11.25% + Thiamethoxam 25% FS

Product description -
1. It controls seed and soil borne diseases and manages early sucking pests.
2. It also provides excellent crop establishment.
3. Protects crop from early sucking pests and diseases and provides good establishment.

Target crops - Soybeam.
Target diseases and pests - Shoot fly, Fusarium root rot, Phytophthora root rot, Rhizoctonia seedling blight, Termites, White grub, Pyhtium seedling blight.

Method of application - Seed treatment.
Dosage -
10 ml per kg of seeds for seed treatment.

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