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FMC Azaka Duo Fungicide

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FMC Azaka Duo Fungicide

FMC Azaka Duo Fungicide

Dosage Acre


Chemical composition - Azoxystrobin 18.2% + Difenoconazole 11.4% SC

Description -
1. Azaka Duo Fungicide is a broad spectrum and long duration control fungicide which covers a broad range of diseases in vegetables & fruits.
2. Azaka Duo Fungicide belongs to the strobilurin group.
3. It is a fungicide with protectant, curative, eradicant, translaminar, and systemic properties.
4. Azaka Duo Fungicide inhibits mitochondrial desperation.

Method of application - Spray.

Target diseases - Yellow rust, Powdery mildew, Late blight, Sheath blight, Downey mildew ,Leaf spots, Grey mildews, Red rot.

Recommended crops - Grape, Paddy, Cotton, Sugarcane, Potatoe, Chili, Tomatoe, Cucurbit, Avocado, Mangoe, Passionfruit and Poppies.

Dose -
0.5 ml per litre water,
8 ml per 15 litre pump,
80 ml per acre spray.

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