UPL Sweep Power Glufosinate Ammonium 13.5% SL Herbicide

UPL Sweep Power Glufosinate Ammonium 13.5% SL Herbicide
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UPL Sweep Power Herbicide (Glufosinate Ammonium 13.5% w/w SL)
UPL Sweep Power Herbicide (Glufosinate Ammonium 13.5% w/w SL) is a non-selective herbicide of the latest generation. When used in conjunction with the approved protective spray, it is extremely effective on difficult-to-kill weeds while being safe for the applicator.
It works by touch and is less harmful to crops than other non-selective herbicides used in directed spray. It is more effective against certain difficult-to-kill weed species that are not controlled by traditional treatments now employed by producers.
UPL Sweep Power Chemical composition - Glufosinate Ammonium 13.5% w/w SL
Glufosinate-ammonium is a pesticide that is a synthetic organophosphate glutamine synthetase inhibitor and neurotoxic. It is a highly soluble and volatile white to light yellow crystalline substance with a mildly pungent scent that can be exposed through inhalation, ingestion, or touch.
Description - UPL Sweep Power Herbicide
1️⃣ Sweep Power Herbicide A new class of non-selective herbicides has been developed.
2️⃣ When used in conjunction with the approved protective spray, it is extremely effective on difficult-to-kill weeds while being safe for the applicator.
3️⃣ Post-emergent herbicide has a broad spectrum and no selectivity.
4️⃣ Inhibition of the glutamine synthetase enzyme
5️⃣ Effective against difficult-to-kill weeds
6️⃣ With appropriate safety procedures, it is safe for the applicator.
7️⃣ Crop and soil damage from low spray drift
8️⃣ Weeds should only be sprayed in specific areas.
9️⃣ Weeds should be actively growing and 4-6 inches tall. After spraying, there must be a 6-hour rain-free period.
🔟 On the weeds, ensure adequate spray coverage with an appropriate spray volume.
Recommended Crop - Cotton, Tea
Control Weed -
🌱 Cotton - Cynodon dactylon, Cyperus rotundus, Dactyloteneum aegyptium, Digitaria marginata, Echinchloa sp.
🌱 Tea - Borreria hispida, Imperata cylindrica, Ageratum conyzaides, Commelina benghalensis, Eleusine indica, Panicum repens, Paspalum conjugatum, Digitaria sanguinalis.
Sweep Power Herbicide (Glufosinate Ammonium 13.5% w/w SL) Dose -
🟠 6.6 ml/Liter water
🟠 100 ml/pump (15L pump)
🟠 1 Liter/Acre Spray

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